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Shrubs - Gallery 8
Cephalanthus occidentalis 'SMCOSS'
The Buttonbush has long been prized as a native plant, but it was way too big for most landscapes. Not anymore! This hybrid grows only to 4 foot tall and wide and it adds cool looking, fragrant white flowers, glossy green leaves and colourful red small 'Kush'-like fruit in the fall. It grows best in moist locations in full sun to partial shade, and it attracts hummingbirds, butterflies and pollinators.
Daphne burkwoodii 'Lunar Eclipse'
This flowering daphne brightens any corner. It is a mounded shrub that is covered in beautifully fragrant (like sweet baby powder) white flowers with an apple blossom flush in April. Similar to Carol Mackie Burkwood Daphne, except the leaves sport a crisp white centre so there is more 'brightness' to the plant. It grows only 2-4 ft. tall and 2-3 ft. wide in sun or part shade. * N/A in 2016
Cornus sericea 'Bailadeline'
This compact growing dogwood offers year round colour and easy maintennce. It starts with white flowers in the spring that turn to pretty white berries that birds love. In the fall the leaves turn shades of red-purple and in the winter there are bright red coloured stems. Since it is tolerant of wet conditions, Firedance makes an excellent addition to rain gardens or for shadier areas. It grows 3 to 4 feet tall by 5 to 5 feet wide. * Special order
Hydrangea macrophylla 'PHM11-11'
This new beauty to the Endless Summer series blooms on old and new growth, constantly pushing out new flower heads measuring 3" to 5'' across. Intense rose-pink, violet or blue flower heads are held upright on striking and very strong red–purple stems. As with other hydrangea, BloomStruck’s flowers can be pink, purple or blue, depending on the soil pH. It also offer above average heat tolerance and great disease resistance.
Hydrangea paniculata 'Rensun'
Strawberry Sundae is a delicious new hydrangea from the same breeder as the popular Vanilla Strawberry, but its smaller stature sets it apart. Flowers emerge creamy white in mid summer, change to pink and finally to strawberry red. It grows 4' to 5' tall by 4' wide in full sun to partial shade, and this compact means it will add colour to any small space garden or container with fantastic flowers that last well into the fall. It's also excellent for fresh cut and dried flower arrangements.
Hydrangea serrata 'Tiny Tuff Stuff'
This little charmer from Proven Winners has delicate lace-cap blooms in colours ranging from soft blue to pink to white, depending on the soil pH. It gets its name because of it's bud-hardiness. It grows best in sun to partial shade to a height and width of 2 feet, and has leaves with colourful accents in fall. The flowers age to an attractive pink. * Special order
Ligustrum ovalifolium 'Aurea'
This compact plant cousin of the popular hedging privet has a bright golden edge to every leaf, and is an easy plant to brighten a corner or screen an undesireable view. Slightly less vigorous than it's cousin, if left untrimmed it could grow to 8 feet or more, but is just as happy to be trimmed tightly as a formal plant or hedge. It produces fragrant white blossoms in mid-summer also, and grows best in full sun.
Physocarpus opulifolius 'SMPOTW'
This is a new dwarf purple ninebark that is extra bushy, with small, refined leaves. The dark bronze-maroon foliage is colourful all season, and contrasts beautifully with the white flowers in late spring. The flower show is exceptional, with dainty flowers blooming up and down the stem in a very showy display. It grows 3 to 4 feet tall by the same wide in full sun to light shade, and will look best if it is pruned back by 1/3 in late winter or early spring.
Syringa 'SMSJBP7'
Dark Purple is the latest in the amazing Bloomerang series of lilacs, having deeper midnight-blue blooms in rounded clusters than the original Bloomerang. The flowers begin in late spring as dark midnight-purple buds, opening to brilliant lavender-blue blooms with a marvelously sweet fragrance, and then, unlike other lilacs, they rebloom throughout the season until fall. Perfect for cutflowers as well as garden enjoyment, Dark Purple Bloomerang reaches 5 to 6 feet high and 4 to 5 feet wide, is compact and very densely branched and grows best in any sunny spot.
Syringa vulgaris 'Sweetheart'
Fragrant dark dusty pink buds open to form a pale pink conical blossom cluster that appear in mid-June, and the dark green leaves will turn a burgundy or bronze in the fall. It grows best on well-drained soil in full sun and will grow to a height of 8 to 10 feet. ** Special order
Spirea betulifolia 'Tor Gold'
The flower buds with hints of red in them open to white spring flowers on this new golden addition to the landscape. Sunny yellow foliage that rivals a golden barberry holds its colour well in the summer without burning, and the full, compact habit is very attractive. A Proven Winners selection, it grows 3 to 4 feet high and wide in full sun on most soil conditions. ** Special order
Viburnum nudum 'Bulk'
Experience the most beautiful berry display in the plant kingdom with this new Viburnum. It delivers loads of breathtaking berries favoured by birds that transform from green to shades of vivid pink and blue in late summer. Similar to Witherod, it has flat topped white blossoms in June over glossy leaves that change to an incredible dark maroon-red in autumn. It grows 5 to 6 feet tall and wide in sun to partially shady, moist locations.
Weigela florida 'Kolmagira'
This stunning new weigela (also known as Rainbow Sensation) is different than most bi-coloured forms in that there is a strong pink to reddish tint to the attractively cream-edged leaves during the summer. It grows in a bushy habit to 5 feet tall and wide and in early summer a heavy show of trumpet shaped blooms that are pale pink with dark pink backing appear to cover it. It grows best in full sun to light shade and will be a definite show stopper!
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