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Aronia melanocarpa 'Low Scape Mound'
Low Scape Mound Chokeberry (also known as Aronia) is a tough, tolerant, tidy little mound of glossy green foliage. In spring, it's covered in hundreds of dainty white flowers, and in autumn, the leaves turn brilliant red to contrast with dark purple-black fruit. The unique low-growing, mound-shaped habit of this new variety makes it perfect for mass planting as a ground cover or edging plant. Best of all, it thrives almost anywhere: cold climates and hot ones, wet soils and dry ones, sun and part shade. This native shrub will gracefully handle just about any landscape challenge you can throw at it! Grows to 2 ft. tall by the same wide.
Betula x plettkei
This dwarf, shrub-form birch offers season-long interest with tiny yellow leaves that emerge in sunset hues of orange and red. Adaptable to pruning, it can be shaped, sheared, hedged, used as a miniature patio tree, or left to its own appealing natural habit. Exceptionally hardy. Grows only 3 to 4 feet tall and the same wide in full sun to light shade.
Cotoneaster procumbens 'Gerald'
This improved selection of a hardy and durable groundcover shrub by Proven Winners offers a very fine, low growing, thick matted plant with white flowers in spring and red berries in late summer. Its dense, low habit makes it less prone to catching leaves compared to other cotoneasters. An excellent choice for landscaping projects or to take areas out of turf. Plant in sun or partial shade, it grows only 6 to 12 inches tall and is also useful as a mass planting.
Cornus alba 'ByBoughen'
This new variety from the west is an explosion of neon yellow and green coloured foliage. It has impressive heat tolerance and retains bright, rich foliage throughout the growing season. It also grows much smaller than other golden coloured dogwoods - just 4 to 5 feet tall by the same wide. In fall, the leaves turn a variety of soft tones of purple, red, yellow and orange. It has glossy, scarlet red branches. Can be grown in full sun to partial shade.
Hydrangea paniculata 'SMHPFL'
Fire Light is the new standard to measure all hardy hydrangeas. Blooms emerge creamy-white and age to a vivid red for lots of summer colour. It makes a great cut flower, fresh or dried, and can be used as a hedge, specimen, or incorporated into flower gardens and foundation plantings. Upright blossoms clusters are packed solid and are held by thick, sturdy stems for a prominent show. It grows approximately 6 ft. tall by the same wide in sun to partial shade, and is an easy to grow even for the most 'black thumbed' of gardeners.
Hydrangea arborescens 'NCHA4'
Incrediball hydrangeas are beloved for their stout stems and massive blooms. Incrediball Blush adds a new colour to the series. This beauty has big, bodacious, blush-pink blooms that change to an attractive green color as they age. The sturdy stems hold the large flowers up even after heavy rains, making this a great choice for cutting. It grows 4 to 5 feet tall in sun or light shade and is very easy to grow.
Hydrangea serrata 'SMNMAKTSR'
The Tuff Stuff series of mountain hydrangeas are noted for their improved bud and stem hardiness, their reblooming habit, and prolific double lacecap flowers they offer. This new addition to the series has lovely dark red-pink flowers. Flowers open to a two-toned green and red, maturing to all red. Strong stems give this mounded hydrangea a handsome presentation both in the container and in the landscape. Grows 2 to 3 feet tall and wide in full sun to partial sun. ** Special order
Syringa vulgaris 'Elsdancer'
Too long considered a leggy plant for old-fashioned gardens, this new lilac has a compact form, making it ideal anywhere hard-working, independent plants are needed. An extremely hardy plant, the 4 to 5 inch fragrant violet-purple buds open into lavender flowers, and it is a true harbinger to the knowledge that yes, spring is indeed here. It is also mildew resistant. It grows 4 to 5 feet tall by 3 to 4 feet wide in full sun.
Hypericum inodorum 'Magical Midnight Glow'
Bright yellow flowers mature to long-lasting, cherry-red berries that create quite a colour-play against dark-red leaves. Midnight Glow has improved breeding traits that feature a compact plant with colour-drenched, ornamental berries. This new rust-resistant selection is certain to add a splash of colour to your fall garden and decorating palette. The maraschino cherry like fruits glow in the sunlight and evening light, like little red lanterns on each shrub. It grows to 3 feet tall in full sun to partial shade, and should ideally be planted in a more sheltered location.
Physocarpus opulifolius 'Hoogi018'
This very new compact plant has gorgeous, warm red foliage on a very well-branched plant and is disease-tolerant and very easy to maintain. With its striking red foliage, Little Angel looks great planted alone on terraces and balconies and it blooms in summer with white flowers. If used as a hedge, it has a bushy habit with a easy to maintain low height of just 20" with a width of 12". Little Angel thrives in sun or partial shade in any type of soil. If you need a splash of warm colour, this small brush permits it to be place almost anywhere. ** Special order
Physocarpus opulifolius 'SMNPOTWG'
The introduction of purple Tiny Wine ninebark was a game changer for ninebarks, and so will this one be! Both plants share the same attractive bushy habit and small, refined leaves, but this newest variety offers bright gold new growth. This plant blooms heavily, bearing dozens of pink buds that open to white flower clusters in summer. It boasts very good mildew resistance, and grows 3 to 4 feet tall by the same wide in full sun to light shade. ** Special order
Physocarpus opulifolius 'SMNPOBLR'
Improved mildew resistance is what you will experience with this new exceptionally coloured ninebark from Proven Winners that is reminiscent of the colours of Coppertina. Rich hues of orange red are found during the cooler seasons of spring and fall, and this colour deepens to sparkling burgundy in summer. The large arge white flowers that appeare in late spring give way to bright red seed-heads that are showy too! Sturdy stems and a compact upright habit of only 5 to 6 feet tall by the same wide will help also make it useful as a shrub for screening.
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