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Aronia melanocarpa 'Viking'
Black chokeberry is growing in popularity not only as ornamental plant, but also for the heavy crop of healthy, high nutrient fruit that they produce. 'Viking' was selected in Europe for use in orchards, but gardeners quickly discovered it’s many attributes as a landscape plant. Masses of fragrant, white flowers bloom in spring. Gorgeous red fall colors and extra large berries follow the glossy summer foliage. The persistent, purplish black berries can be used for pies, jellies or juicing or left on the shrub to provide food for birds and other wildlife, and can persist into spring feeding the first returning robins. It grows to 5 to 6 ft. tall and wide in sun or partial shade on most soil conditions.
Hydrangea macrophylla 'Everlasting Revolution'
This new addition to the Everlasting series of hydrangeas offers large deep blue to maroon to pink blossoms (depending on soil acidity) on sturdy compact plants. Flowers are produced on both old and new wood, ensuring that even the most beginner of gardeners will get a beautiful show of blossoms. It grows 2.5 feet tall by the same wide in full sun or light shade.
Hydrangea quercifolia 'Brother Edward'
Have you ever seen such full dense blossoms on an oakleaf hydrangea? The distinctive, showy doubled florets are tightly packed, pure white and create very full, conical blossoms with a unique 'quilted' effect. As the bloom ages, it turns a nice shade of green that lasts through most of the summer. The green foliage has wonderful wine-red fall color. A large grower to 10 feet, it grows best in a sheltered partially shady spot. ** Special order
Hydrangea macrophylla 'Love'
This superb new Hydrangea won Chelsea Plant of the Year in 2014, and now it is here! It has a very compact habit, making it easy to add to any garden at the front of a border or grown seasonally in a container. Like a posy of miniature roses, each sugar-pink flower is delicately layered to form a neat, rounded flower head atop sturdy stems. With a long summer bloom period, the blooms also make enchanting, long-lasting cut flowers for a vase indoors. Grows to 40 inches high by wide in full sun to partial shade. ** Special order
Hydrangea macrophylla 'Red Sensation'
This has been described as one of the first really 'red red' hydrangeas. The large mophead flowers are brilliant red blooms with burgundy-red strong stems. They start off blooming red and then fade to shades of purple. This hydrangea blooms on new growth, meaning that it will reliably bloom and continue to bloom all summer until frost. Its compact size of only 30-36'' tall and wide makes it ideal for landscaping projects and shrub borders. It should be grown in full sun to partial shade in moist well-drained soil.
Hydrangea macrophylla 'Miss Saori'
This magnificent variety has massive double white blooms where every petal features a delicate cerise pink margin that delicately fades from the edges to the centre of the flower. The leaves are also impressive, with tones of burgundy displayed during the cooler spring and autumn months. Another Chelsea Flower Show Plant of the Year winner from a young Japanese breeder (who named it after fiancee) it is one of the first of a new kind of Hydrangea that isn't affected by soil type - all flowers will stay pink whether you plant in alkaline, neutral or acidic soils. It is a brilliant feature plant that also makes a useful cut flower to enjoy indoors, and grows to 40 inches high and wide. ** Currently unavailable
Hydrangea paniculata 'Sweet Summer'
Many hydrangeas are notable for their large blossoms, but also for their droopy nature and fragile stems. This new plant is different. Sure, it has beautiful, big, fluffy flowers that start out white beginning in June then take on a frosted pink shimmer in late summer. But the plant is also designed to have exceptionally strong stems to stand up through tough weather, and it is cold hardy enough to withstand prairie winters too. It is easy to grow and maintain, with minimal pruning required to keep it to size. It will grow in full sun to light shade conditions.
Spiraea japonica 'SMNSJMFR'
If you've thought you've seen everything about spirea, you are in for a surprise, as this ISN'T your same old Anthony Waterer. Unlike many oldtime spirea, the flowers here are a deep and true red, and the new growth of leaves are a burgundy. It grows only 2 to 3 feet tall by the same width in a compact form, and requires very little maintenance other than a light trimming to maintain it. It tolerates heavy snow, easily re-grows pruning 'misadventures', and is suitable for any sunny to lightly shaded location.
Ilex vert. 'Little Goblin'
Winterberry is a very tough member of the holly family that loses its leaves in the fall, and has a vivid show of brightly coloured fruit that persist late into the winter. Little Goblin brings you extra big and abundant rich-red berries on a dwarf plant. Planted with a male pollinator (like Mr. Poppins or Jim Dandy) it will grow 3 to 5 feet tall in moist soil conditions. You will treasure this plant for gardens, mass plantings or as a cut branch. Its compact size makes it ideal for residential landscapes. ** Special order
Weigela x 'Slingco 2'
This new weigela is a product of one of the top weigela breeding programs in the world. One look at the gorgeous bell-shaped intensely dark red blooms, and your heart will beat a little faster. It's not ruby, not scarlet, but a much deeper dark red that is quite striking against its dark green leaves. It grows to 4 to 5 feet tall by 3 feet wide in sun or light shade.
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