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Trees - Gallery 9
Acer rubrum 'Armstrong Gold'
Selected from an evaluation of hundreds of seedlings of 'Armstrong', this cultivar improves greatly on the parent, with brighter gold to orange fall foliage colour, greater foliage density and compact, less leggy growth habit. The improved columnar form makes it perfect for narrow planting sites. It grows to 40 feet tall by approximately 12 feet wide on most soil conditions.
Acer saccharum 'Barret Cole''
Unique narrowness, dense branching and compact form make this dwarf and columnar Sugar Maple ideal for limited spaces. Dark green foliage withstands summer heat, and fall colour is an excellent orange/gold to red. It grows to 30 feet tall by 10 feet wide on a broad range of soil types.
Acer truncatum x Acer platanoides 'JFS-KW202'
Sure.. it looks like a normal red maple... but it's better! This hybrid maple gains heat tolerance from one parent, and gorgeous purple leaves from the other. The leaves resembles that of a Crimson King Maple, but its form is more upright and compact. It flourishes in the summer heat with minimal scorching, with the leaves turning bright purple bronze in the fall. It grows to 35 feet tall by 25 feet wide in full sun.
Acer pennsylvanica
A great tree for the shade, this native tree (which is also known as "Moosewood" or "Moose Maple") has distinctive snake like vertical whitish stripes on the bark which fade to greenish brown as it ages. It also has distinctive large green 3- lobed foliage and key-like fruit. Growing only 25 ft. tall, it requires a cool, moist, shaded location. Leaves will turn brilliant yellow in the fall!
Cornus kousa 'Summer Fun'
This decorative flowering dogwood has white flowers in late spring that complement the rich, boldly contrasting green and cream-white leaves. The leaf margins are brighter white than those of other variegated dogwoods. These same leaves produce vivid fall tones are red that are orange and pink. Small pink fruit that birds devour are also produced at that time. It grows to 18 feet tall by 15 feet wide in full sun to light shade.
Fagus sylvatica 'Red Obelisk'
This narrow growing purple leaf beech has a strong pyramidal form. It grows at a fairly slow rate in full sun to 40 feet by 10 ft wide. The fall colour on the tree is bronzey, with the crinkly leaves hanging on the tree well into the winter. This tree is intolerant of poorly drained soils, and should not be sited near drainage swales or low lying areas.
Hamamelis x intermedia 'Diane'
A lovely witchhazel with small, slightly fragrant, deep bronzy red flowers in early spring. This variety has been trained as a small tree, and offers a medium spreading growth habit. The leaves turn an interesting red/yellow/orange mix in fall. Grows to 10 ft in full sun or part shade.
Maackia amurensis 'Maacnificent'
What is an Amur Maackia? It is an excellent vigorous tree for smaller locations. A member of the pea family, it is able to fix it's own nitrogen to assist in its growth. It grows with beautiful upright branching forming a roughly symmetrical vase shape, and it produces slightly dangling clusters of white flowers that decorate the plant in early summer, that form small pea pods after that. The new growth is quite stunning as it is very silvery when it breaks in spring. These medium green leaves turn yellow in the fall. It grows to 30 feet tall by 22 feet wide on most soil conditions. * Special order
Magnolia 'Genie'
This beautiful new Magnolia from New Zealand will take your breath away with it's incredibly black-red, tulip-shaped flower buds that unfurl slowly into rounded, goblet-shaped blooms. This colour is truly unique amongst Magnolias. It is very floriferous, with blossoms that even open will withstand late frosts far better than most, and will offer many weeks of flower show. It grows a littler narrower than wide to an ultimate height of 15 feet. It shoud be sited in full sun.
Malus x 'DurLawrence'
This pretty blooming crabapple is covered with masses of lovely soft pink blossoms in early spring, and bronzey red leaves through the summer, that turn orange into the fall. Unlike many crabapples, this disease resistant variety is considered 'seedless' or fruitless as it rarely produces ornamental fruit. It is an excellent small landscape tree with broad, upright habit that grows to roughly 20 feet tall by 10 feet wide in sun and on most soil conditions.
Malus 'Purple Wave'
One of the most popular crabapple types are those with deep purple leaves AND purple/pink blossoms. This tree offers both! While the leaves turn a bit more bronze/purple in the summer, they turn a pretty bronze colour again in the fall. They bear small dark crabapples in the late summer that remain on the tree into the late fall. It grows to 25 feet tall by 18 feet wide on most soil conditions.
Salix repens 'Nitida'
This is not the 'massive' weeping willow of the swamp, but rather a cousin to the popular weeping pussy willow. As a topgrafted ornamental tree it bears weeping branches laden with silky silvery leaves that are very showy. Small catkins in spring are an added bonus. The head of the tree could grow to 5 ft. in diameter when planted in sun or part shade, but a regular trimming will ensure density and lots of the brightest new growth. *Available by special order.
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