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Acer tataricum 'Hot Wings'
This spectacular hardy new accent tree for smaller properties features blazing red hot seeds in late summer and fiery yellow, orange and red foliage colours in the autumn. The seed 'show' is as good as many floral displays, but lasts longer in the landscape. Tolerant of dry and moist sites, it will grow to 20 ft. tall and 18 ft. wide in sun or part shade.
Betula papyrifera 'Varen'
This hardy hybrid of native paper birch is what everyone wants! Its peeling bark is snow-white and the fall colour is a true golden yellow. In addition, it is more adaptable and stress-tolerant than other birches and one of the best for winter contrast. Growing 40 ft. tall and 30 ft. wide in sun or partial shade, it does best in average to moist conditions. * Currently unavailable
Castanea dentata
This large majestic variety tree is not only a rare native species, but is also an important connection to our pioneer past. Glossy leaves are highlighted by a tremendous show of feathery long white flowers in July that form edible nuts in October that are food to both humans and wildlife alike. It grows over a long period of time eventually to 90 ft. tall and 45 ft. wide. It is tolerant of all soils other than those that exhibit standing water, and it grows best in semi-shade or full sun. *Special order
Cercis canadensis 'Alba'
This rare small, rounded native tree bears pea-like white flowers in spring before the heart -shaped leaves appear. Foliage is green in season turning bright yellow in autumn. Plant in a sheltered partly shaded location. Could grow to 20 feet tall.
Fagus sylvatica 'Mercedes'
This rare slow growing selection has green, willow-like leaves which turn an attractive bronze colour in winter and can stay on the plant until the following spring. Shrubby, densely branching habit for sunny to light shade conditions. Can grow to 5' tall in 15 years.
Magnolia soulangiana ‘Blushing Belle’
This new free-flowering, showy specimen is covered with wide-open large fragrant blooms that are deep pink at the base then fade to a lovely blush pink at the petal tips. The blooms are followed by bright green, deciduous foliage. Growing 29 ft. tall and 20 ft. wide, it does best in full sun. Although hardy, it should be located where protected from northwest winter winds to protect tender spring buds.
Magnolia soulangiana 'Cleopatra''
This stunning variety bears long lasting, large waxy flowers in a complex blend of red and purple that almost glow with a metallic sheen. Growing 12-14 ft. tall but only 10 ft. wide, this upright selection is best situated in a sunny location where sheltered from north-west winter winds to protect the spring flower buds. An ideal choice for smaller properties!
Magnolia 'Tinkerbelle'
Stunning magenta red flowers appear in early spring before the foliage. It is prized for its small stature making it ideal for small gardens or mixing in to garden beds, as well as it's copious ability to produce blossoms even from a young age. Grows to 15 ft tall by 10 ft wide in full sun on well drained soils.
Cornus kousa 'Galzam'
Here is an absolute gem for the collector! This open multi-stemmed tree has a stunning, strongly horizontal growth habit which is covered in springtime with showy clusters of white flowers and deep hunter green foliage all season. Peeling grey bark and lots of magnificent red berries from early to mid-fall add to its all-season appeal. Requiring rich, well-drained acidic soil, it does best with a bit of shade. Grows 25' tall by 20' wide.
Ginkgo biloba ''JFS-UGA2'
Discovered by Dr. Michael Dirr, this hardy variety's strongly upright, narrowly oval growth habit lends itself to use where a narrow tree is required. Distinctive medium green foliage ends its season with a stunning golden display! At full maturity, it could grow to 45 ft. tall but only 24 ft. wide. This seedless variety would make an ideal selection for smaller properties!
Malus toringo 'Scarlett'
This Danish-bred cultivar of a Japanese crabapple bears attractive purple foliage that turns dark green by summer before showing its true self in autumn in a stunning scarlet and purple finale! Spring is a joy with rich pink blossoms that culminate in purple fall fruit. Moderately vigorous, this small tree grows 13 ft. tall and 10 ft. wide with an attractive oval-headed, upright habit.
Quercus muhlenbergii
This Carolinian species is common through the Eastern U.S., but is only found growing naturally in parts of southern Ontario. A large tree growing 40-50 ft. tall and wide, it not only bears distinctly different leaves and ashy grey bark, but it also produces edible, mild flavoured, sweet-tasting acorns. Preferring dry, rocky sites in sun or part shade, this is a magnificent specimen! *Special order
Hydrangea paniculata 'Firelight'
This 'drama queen' is now grafted on a stem! Upright blossom clusters emerge creamy-white and age to a vivid red for lots of summer colour. Growing unpruned to 10 ft. tall with a 6 ft. wide head, it thrives in sun or partial shade. A great cut flower source, it will make a dramatic statement in any garden! ** Ltd qty
Prunus x yedonensis 'Akebono'
This Japanese beauty is prized for its stunning show of fragrant soft pink, semi-double spring flowers. Green leaves follow on spreading branches. Fast growing to 25-35 ft. tall and wide, it must have well drained soil and is not tolerant of poorly drained or heavy clay conditions. Fall foliage colours are golden-yellow with orange highlights. This tree must be carefully located in a sheltered, sunny spot to ensure the best flower show.
Quercus alba 'JFS-KW1QX'
This narrow columnar tree is covered with dark green mildew-resistant leaves that turn stunning shades of red, orange and coppery-bronze in fall. An improved variety similar to Crimson Spire, it does not hold foliage through the winter. It grows to 45 ft. tall and 14 ft. wide and is ideal for formal screening or as a vertical accent in the home landscape. Grows best in full sun to light shade.