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Newest Trees
Acer saccharinium 'Skinneri'
The finely cut leaves gives this specimen tree a delicate and open appearance. It is certainly much lacier than a 'typical' Silver Maple, and it also a more compact and smaller-growing tree. Dark green leaves with a silvery underside turn a beautiful butter yellow in the fall, and the overall effect is not unlike a larger than average cutleaf Japanese maple. It grows to 40 feet tall by approximately 30 feet wide and will provide shade or screening relatively quickly, and it is extremely tolerant of poorer soil conditions including wetter areas.
Betula 'Crimson Frost'
A tree fit for royalty! Rich purple foliage through the growing season turns fiery shades of yellow, red, and orange in the fall. The mature branches and trunks are a bright white providing winter interest when the leaves are gone. Growing 40 ft. tall and 20 ft. wide, this tree is best grown in full sun to part shade.
Carpinus caroliniana 'CCSQU'
Palisade is a new selection of this outstanding native tree that has been described by noted plantsman Dr. Michael Dirr as a 'quantum biological leap forward in the domestication of American native trees for the 21st century landscape". It has a densely branched, upright habit with ascending branches, and would be useful as a tree for a small yard or for some privacy screening. It grow 30 ft. tall and 15 ft. wide with dark green foliage to provide it. As with others of the species, it has lovely yellow orange fall colour as an added bonus at the end of the season! Plant in full sun to part shade.
Celtis occidentalis 'Prairie Sentinel'
This narrow growing hackberry fills the need for a columnar tree for narrow city streets in the toughest climates. Discovered in the rugged high plains of western Kansas, it has great adaptability to heat, drought, and cold as well as harsh urban sites. It grows to 40 feet tall by 12 feet wide in full sun or partial shade.
Cercis canadensis 'Ace of Hearts'
Aptly named for its perfectly heart shaped leaves, Ace is a tree that combines distinct elements of near perfect symmetry. It's form is truly unique, and the cascading spade shaped leaves stacked symmetrically down the branch is truly beautiful and unique. It blooms with abundant pink blooms in mid-spring, and is a smaller grower than most redbuds at only 12 feet tall by 10 feet wide in sunny to medium shade conditions. As with all redbuds, it is not suitable for a wide open wind exposed location.
Cercis canadensis 'RNI-RCC3’
With its velvety, deep burgundy foliage, this redbud beautifies your landscape well beyond bloom time! Enjoy the bright pink, pea-shaped spring blooms of redbud with the bonus of healthy, richly colorful foliage and an appealing rounded shape. It will grow to 25 tall by 18 feet wide in full sun to partial shade. As with all redbuds, it is not suitable for wide open wind exposed locations.
Forsythia x intermedia 'Lynwood Gold'
Spring has not begun until you see the beautiful bright yellow blossoms of forsythia in the drab early spring landscape. This showy plant has been trained to form a single stemmed tree, which makes it very useful as a dense tree for screening in the small garden. The head can be pruned to maintain a compact form, or left to grow to its full size of 8 to 10 feet tall by 6 feet wide in full sun to light shade.
Hydrangea paniculata 'Renba'
Here is a Hydrangea tree like no other! Bearing abundant, long lasting, rounded white flower heads in July on strong upright stems, they soon progress to a bicolour pink and then to an intense raspberry colour before turning glorious wine red with the cooler fall temperatures. This hardy tree grows 8-10 ft. tall and 5-6 ft. wide in sun or part shade. Excellent for screening or use as a garden feature.
Huge cup and saucer shaped blooms (10-12" in diam.) cover this stunning magnolia in the spring, followed by leathery green leaves. While plants bloom while quite young, the flowers are more pink than red. As it matures, the flower display becomes redder and redder! Growing 10-15 ft. tall and 8-10 ft. wide, it is tolerant of most soils. Locate in a sunny spot, sheltered from the northwest winter winds to protect tender spring buds.
Ulmus x 'New Horizon'
This hardy, fast growing and durable tree forms a dense upright compact head with dark green leaves that have a tinge of rusty colour in the fall. A hybrid elm bred to resist Dutch Elm Disease, it tolerates poor soils and droughty conditions. It grows to 30 feet tall by 25 feet wide in full sun to partial shade, and is an effective tree for screening unsightly views.
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