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Trees 12
Aesculus arn. 'Autumn Splendor'
Chestnut trees are long lived additions to the landscape. They are well known for their towering spikes of fragrant blossoms in late spring, and this one is no exception with its creamy white spike. These flowers eventually form the traditional nut favoured by wildlife. But what truly sets this tree apart is its spectacular bright scarlet fall colour - easily rivalling the best of our Canadian maples. It is a rounded mediums sized tree that grows to 25 to 30 feet tall and about the same wide at a moderate to slow rate in full sun to partial shade. It is a drought and pollution resistant tree that is also resistant to leaf blight issues, and will provide lovely shade in the summer.
Betula platyphylla ‘Parkland Pillar’
An excellent urban choice is this beautiful birch with its narrow, upright, dense habit. It boasts white bark and dense, dark green foliage that turns golden in late fall (shown here). A fast growing tree, it is suitable for gardens, as a privacy screen or on narrower boulevards and is tolerant of heat, drought, and alkaline soils. It grows to 40 ft. tall but only 6-7 ft. wide in full sun and is well suited for difficult small lot environments.
Cornus x 'Starlight'
This hybrid of Pacific and Chinese Dogwood combines beauty, adaptability, disease resistance and outstanding performance! Stunning 4-5 inch wide slightly greenish white flowers are borne on strong upright branches, almost completely covering this multi-stemmed dogwood in late spring, followed by orange, strawberry-like fruit in the fall. Grows to 30 ft. tall and 20 ft. wide in sun to part shade.
Gingko x 'Saratoga'
Saratoga Ginkgo is a slower growing form of Maidenhair tree that is noted for its distinct central leader, dense symmetrical branching habit, and narrower than usual habit. With a parentage that includes some of the longest lived plants on Earth, what sets this tree apart is its narrow pendulous emerald green fan-shaped leaves that hang almost perfectly straight down. These leaves turn an outstanding gold in the fall (shown here), usually persisting until just before the snow flies. It will grow to become a stunning specimen tree of at least 40 feet tall by 25 feet wide growing at a moderate rate in most soils except those that are very wet. A male selection with no fruit it is a tree for future generations as so few pests afflict it.
Gingko biloba 'Troll'
This small growing and very compact ornamental tree has unique fan shaped dual lobed leaves. As a grafted award-winning specimen, the compact head will only grow about 4 feet in diameter on top of a 4 foot tall stem. Hardy and pest resistant, it has gorgeous bright yellow leaves in late fall, and is a winner for height in a small area. It grows in most soils in sun or light shade.
Salix alba 'Tortulosa Pendula'
This large specimen tree has unique twisty red stems on the new growth, leaves that are very curly and contorted as well as a strongly weeping form. It grows pretty much anywhere, and it's vigorous root system is better suited to larger areas. Grows in sun or light shade to a height of 30 feet by 22 feet wide.
Magnolia soulangeana 'Cameo'
You will fall in love with this stunning magnolia with its sculpted flower form that resembles an old-fashioned cameo broach! Appearing two toned, the elegant blooms have reddish purple exterior petals with a clean white flushed red-purple interior. Growing 12-15 ft. tall in sun, it has exceptional flower power in spring and summer, making it a spectacular feature plant for a small garden.
Magnolia soulangeana 'Honey'
This is another glowing newcomer from New Zealand! Golden yellow, goblet-shaped 6 inch blooms appear in early spring. Growing in full sun to only 11.5 ft tall and 4.5 ft wide in 10 years, it prefers moist, but well-drained acid soil. It is considered a nice small compact tree for a protected city yard!
Prunus cerasifera 'Crimson Pointe'
Pink buds open to white blossoms that contrast nicely with the emerging purple foliage. This columnar selection develops a narrowly oval mature canopy. A strong central leader and a fast growth rate makes it a excellent tree for quick screening or as an a colourful accent. It grows to 25 feet tall by 10 feet wide in full sun to light shade. Small insignificant fruit appear occasionallly.
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