Nursery Availability
For those with 'Do You Have...?' questions, please CLICK ON THE RED QUESTION MARK ABOVE to download our latest availability.
Note: Perennials, Annuals or Veggies are not included in this list.
Please know that we DO NOT SHIP our plants into the GTA, the US, nor anywhere outside of where we are in Southern Ontario.
See our FAQ for more details.
- At the top of each page will be the date it was created.
- Our plants are grouped by category, with each category start highlighted in orange.
- Within each category, the plants are sorted by their Latin name. Maples (Acer) will be before Lindens (Tilia), for example.
- The list is in .pdf format. Most .pdf readers will have a search box (Ctrl + F key will often invoke it). If you type in 'maple' in the search box, it will generally find the first occurrence of that word.
- The size of the plant (how it is sold) is found in the size column.
- Then number on hand is as we know it in our own systems at that time. There is sometimes a brief disconnect between product arrivals and when it appears here while we check them, label them, feed them, etc. Items indicated as 0 may in fact be ordered to be here and are in transit/not ready.
Popular plants and their categories that might not be self-evident....
Japanese Maples - SHRU
Magolias - TREE and CLMP (for they could be multi-stem or single stem)
Birch - TREE and CLMP
Fruting Trees are FRUT - Fruiting Bushes are FRUB
Roses are sorted by ROEN (English), ROSH (Hardy Shrub) or ROSE (Hybrid Teas, Climbers). At the end of the rose description, Climbers will show CL, for example.